Friday, December 27, 2019

why people backslide - 13805 Words

8/16/2014 Can A Christian Backslide? Home Hell-Home Online Store About Us Sitemap Search here Apologetics | Audio Video Latest Additions | Books | Church History | Death Immortality Table of Contents | Church | Eschatology | Social Issues | Sermons 36 ShareTw eet Christian Life | Theological Greek-Hebrew Fonts Download Audio File Like | 0 19 Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross ____________by James P. Shelly ____________ CHAPTER ELEVEN Can A Christian Backslide? Audio and Voice-over provided by Truth According to (Click to Show/ Hide Audio player at the top-left of this page) We often hear the statement that a Christian is†¦show more content†¦The difference is in how we relate to our sin and how we deal with it. Those in a covenant relationship with God are those who walk in the ways of God. In the Old Testament, one of the ways of such a walk, because of God’s mercy, was to make animal sacrifice for sin. In the New Testament, confessing one’s sin to God is a part of walking in the covenant ways of God (1 John 1:9). So then, when the believer sins it is not because he has turned aside from God and is no longer walking in the way of God, backslidden in heart and filled with his own ways, but rather because of the weakness of his flesh he may fall into sin. Yet he abhors his sin, confesses it, and seeks to forsake it. If we define backsliding as individual acts of sin in the believer s life we would rightly say that a believer, not only can, but will backslide. If Chat Online for Free Facebook Lets You Connect Online. Chat With Friends Now. Join Today! however we define backsliding, as the Scriptures do, it cannot be true of the believer. Prov. 14:14 says, The backslidden in heart is filled with his own ways. The word here in the Hebrew for backslide is sug which is the same word used in Psalm 53:3, Every one of them has turned aside, they have together become corrupt; there is none who does good, no not one. The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament says of the word as it is used in thisShow MoreRelatedTheory of Evolution Essay1359 Words   |  6 Pagesbrought death. Man has not evolved, because he was never designed by the infinite mind to evolve. Evolution is exactly what it is; a theory, and theories are not based on evidence, they are not based on fact, because there is no evidence. This is why it is called a theory. It is an idea; it is a thought, some scheme of man with no proof. If there is evolution, then what state has man reached? 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

How Laws Affect My Life - 1651 Words

Laws Affect My Life If someone were to ask me, What has the government done for you today? I would most likely say nothing, but as I researched I have looked back on my past and my present. I have realized realized that through the years I have really noticed that laws do hold a foundation on my everyday life as well as others. Laws are principles and regulations that are established under the authority of the state and/or the nation. They help to form the foundation for a country that protects and provides for its citizens. Breathing. Its an instinctive, necessary reflex that people do to live. We need oxygen in order to maintain homeostasis through the process of cellular respiration. It s a set of the metabolic reactions and†¦show more content†¦Through the Federal Communications Commission, all stations are to be licensed and maintain a file that documents what the station has done to operate in the public interest. There are also radio regulations that help to make this possible. The Radio Regulations is an intergovernmental treaty. It conforms and coordinates the activity of the telecommunication networks. It keeps different frequences from different radio services from mixing together. Transmitters are to be observed by radio stations, and procedures are done to ensure technical compatibility. It basically helps to better the development of communications technology. These regulations are accomplished through the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). When I drive, I m usually headed to Webster University, to expand on my educational knowledge. Now, there are no laws that say I have to go to college, but there are laws that have made my college experience different yet I think better than lets say the 60 s.The first and fourteenth amendment to the Constitution, I think, are very important aspects of are education system. The first amendment guarantees me the right to freedom of assembly, press, religion and speech. It allows me to speak o peningly about whatever I believe in. This is very important especially in college, because it s a time where you are really trying to find yourself, and opening yourself up to new ideas.The fourteenth amendment concerns due processShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Wilkinson s Law Of The Learner956 Words   |  4 Pages1. Briefly describe Wilkinson’s law of the learner, then explain in more detail how this law affects the way you prepare and present your Bible lesson. The law of the learner states that as a teacher, we accept the responsibility of causing our students to learn. We should give all that we can to ensure that our students understand the content being taught, how to apply it and why it is being taught. Because I am responsible as the teacher, it is important that I pray and seek God’s guidance beforeRead MoreHow Critical Thinking and Ethics Affect My Life Essay994 Words   |  4 PagesHow Critical Thinking and Ethics Affect my Life? Heather H. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Cerebral Blood Flow Process Free Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Cerebral Blood Flow Process. Answer: Cerebral blood flow is the process through which blood is supplied into the brain in mammals at a given duration of time. This process needs to be regulated so that there is no too much flow of blood into the brain which will result in a condition known as hyperaemia or too low flow of blood to the brain (ischemia). This process of regulating the flow of blood is what is known as cerebral blood flow autoregulation (Brock 2016, p. 129). The brain unlike other parts of the body is very sensitive and plays a very essential role in metabolic activities of the body.Therefore cerebral autoregulation is a key process which ensures that the delicate tissues of the brain are not damaged by overflow or underflow of blood into the brain.(Cipolla 2015, p. 56) Tissues in the brain have biochemical cascade which is usually referred to as ischemic cascade which is triggered when there is low flow of blood to the brain, usually 8-10 millimetres per 100 grams per minute which is considered to be below the threshold level, this results in the tissues becoming ischemic which result in the damage or death of the brain cells(Cold 2012, p. 89). Cerebral blood flow is usually influenced by a number of factors such as the viscosity of blood, dilation of the blood vessels and the pressure at which the blood flows into the brain (cerebral perfusion pressure) this depends upon the bodys blood pressure. The blood vessels in the brain can change the way blood flows through them by changing their diameter. (Cold 2015, p. 130)They constrict the time when the ischemic pressure raises and also dilates when ischemic pressure is lowered.(Greene 2014, p. 34) The autoregulation maintains the level of blood within the appropriate levels but other factors Such as the level of carbon ( iv) oxide in the arteries, metabolic rate in the brain and posture at which the person is at the given time.(Michael 2015, p. 67)Through that, the processes are considered to be the major control of the cerebral system. Impairments of the cerebral blood flow autoregulation may occur due to conditions such as stroke and trauma and other injuries to the brain(Payne 2016, p. 567). Sarah was experiencing breathing instability which resulted to her being transferred to the portable ventilator, due to that Sarah may start experiencing periodic breathing challenges and other respiratory complications which may lead to low supply of oxygen in the brain which in turn will cause desaturation of oxygen in the brain cells, these may further lead to cause of shock and general low blood pressure which will be a direct cause of the loss of cerebral blood flow autoregulation.(Schrmann 2013, p. 789) The traumatic injuries which Sarah sustained during the rollover may also lead to a continuous variation of the cerebral blood flow, due to the internal bleeding which she was experiencing, her general body blood pressure may go down leading to her losing completely cerebral blood flow autoregulation(Thiruvettar 2o16, p. 134). The rib fractures which were noted during the secondary survey may lead to Sarah losing cerebral blood flow autoregulation due to the damages which might have occurred to the lungs. The morning x-ray of day two showed that there was damages to the internal respiratory system which may lead to complications in breathing which in turn will results in the low supply of oxygen to the brain, once there is insufficient supply of oxygen in the brain most of the metabolic activities in the body are affected leading to loss of the cerebral blood flow autoregulation(W 2013, p. 347). The brain injuries which Sarah developed may be attributed to the physical bruising which took place during the rollover: The internal bleedings which occurred and the twisting of different body parts might also have contributed to the traumatic brain injuries. The traumatic brain injuries are usually associated with loss of the cerebral autoregulation.(Greene 2014, p. 457). Under normal circumstances, the brain receives about 50 mL per 100 g/min in the injured brain such as in Sarahs case. The cerebral blood flow autoregulation may be absent which may lead to overflow or under flow of blood to the brain and due to the nature of the tissues in the brain, these may result in damage to the brain cells. Also due to the breathing complications which she developed, the supply of oxygen to the brain may be insufficient .This may lead to unregulated blood flow to the brain which puts Sarah at the risk of losing her cerebral blood flow autoregulation(Cold 2015, p. 890). There are interventions which can be put in place to compensate for the lost cerebral blood flow regulation and preserve the cerebral perfusion. Such interventions include: Implementing Computer tomography. Through computer tomography, the patient can be able to compensate for the lost cerebral blood flow autoregulation. This is achieved by monitoring of the cerebral circulation of blood and obtaining the observation and data taken. Sequentially, acquisition of the results during the analysis this method enhances production of curves according to the principle of central volume which allows one to do calculations of cerebral blood volume(Payne 2016, p. 349). Adopting the basal cerebral blood flow regulation. Under the normal circumstances, the cerebral blood flow depends on both the cerebral perfusion pressure and cerebrovascular resistance. Different physiological variables may affect the cerebral blood flow in different ways. Such variables include the level of blood gases, the cerebral autoregulation and the cerebral metabolic activities case of loss of cerebral blood flow autoregulation such variables are monitored and carefully regulated in the basal cerebral blood flow regulation(Brock 2016, p. 780). Intracerebral monitoring and microanalysis. The loss which has occurred can be compensated for where one can be monitoring the cerebral variations of the patients at different levels to ensure that there is an improvement also by keeping interracial monitoring will ensure that the cerebral perfusion is preserved. The patients who suffer from loss of cerebral blood flow autoregulation need close and careful monitoring which is achieved through the adoption of this method(Cipolla 2015, p. 234). References Brock, M 2016, Cerebral Blood Flow: Clinical and Experimental Results, 2nd edn, Springer Science Business Media, Paris. Cipolla, MJ 2015, The Cerebral Circulation, 3rd edn, Morgan Claypool Publishers, London. Cold, GE 2012, Cerebral Blood Flow in Acute Head Injury: 2nd edn, Springer Science Business Media, London. Cold, GE 2015, Rheoencephalogram Reflects Cerebral Blood Flow Autoregulation in Pigs, 1st edn, Defense Technical Information Center, NewYork. Greene, SA 2014, Veterinary Anesthesia and Pain Management Secrets, 3rd edn, Elsevier Health Sciences, London. Michael, K 2015, Primer on Cerebrovascular Diseases, 2nd edn, Academic Press, london. Payne, S 2016, Cerebral Autoregulation: Control of Blood Flow in the Brain, 3rd edn, Springer, Chicago. Schrmann, K 2013, Dynamic Modeling of Cerebral Blood Flow Autoregulation Using ARX and Windkessel Models, 1st edn, Springer Science Business Media, Berlin. Thiruvettar, M 2o16, Effect of Heat Stress on Cerebral Blood Flow Autoregulation, the University of Texas at Arlington, 2014. W, C 2013, Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism, and Head Trauma: The Pathotrajectory of Traumatic Brain Injury, 2nd edn, Springer Science Business Media, London.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Writing for the Internet-is it different an Example by

Writing for the Internet-is it different? Why do writers write? Because it isn't there. The Internet gives us the freedom to live the eloquent words of Thomas Berger. Anyone can publish their creations, within generous limits, and free of charge, for the entire world to browse. The liberty can be deceptive, for a vast majority of all that is available through the medium, may never be read by anyone other than the writer! Indeed, competition on the Internet is so heartless that it is easy to miss the warm security of a publisher from the world of print! Need essay sample on "Writing for the Internet-is it different?" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Style, grammar, expression, and content all matter on the Internet, as they do to induce a reader to pick up a book and to read it. Yet the facility to flit from site to site, with capricious caresses of that scurrying device aptly called a mouse, sets writing for the World Wide Web apart. The very people, who spend quality time wishing that the most voluminous book would never end, are unreasonably impatient when they land at a particular page from the billions available on a computer screen. The good news is that there is a method to navigate through the choppy and deep waters of the Internet, and to find an undiscovered island where one can drop anchor, set up shop, and have a ball serving customers who hunger and thirst for your unique expression. There is no quick fix that is widely known, though as always, some explorers are more fortunate than most. However, the medium always stands by everyone who abides with it, and rarely fails to grant yields proportionate to sustained and informed effort. College Students Often Tell EssayLab specialists:I'm not in the mood to write my paper. Because I want to spend time with my familySpecialists recommend: Get Academic Writing At Reasonable Price With UsCustom Essay Reviews Write My Paper For Cheap Do My Assignment Buy Essay All things to all people Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. It is unfortunate that Cyril Connolly passed away in 1974, some two decades before the Internet became widely available to the public everywhere (Blogger, 2005). Child pornography, terrorism, and drug abuse are some of the limited subjects that are fortunately restricted on the Internet. It takes only a few minutes to publish writing on any civilized and socially accepted subject. It is not only free, but lends itself to earn revenue through targeted advertisements. Browsers can access entire libraries, to say nothing of encyclopedias, newspapers, and magazines that cater to special interests. The Internet liberates us at least as much as printing technology. Billions of pages are available on the World Wide Web, and vast numbers are added by the minute. Electronic technology accommodates major languages and scripts, as well as video and audio transfers. Education and seminars with partici pants at physically distant locations, are now commonplace. Major enterprises and organizations have sites of their own; some even conduct their business through the medium. The euphoria of discovering the Internet dissipates quickly after most writers publish their work. It is akin to fishing: browsers never seem to land on your page! Most people start web logs and websites, without the cynical eye of editors and publishers. Vanity publishing is the pejorative but harshly truthful label for most writing on the Internet. Herein lies a core difference between writing for the Internet as compared to traditional print media. There are specific skills that writers can acquire to improve their chances of success. Insights about typical browsing behavior make a good foundation for such valuable skills. Browsing habits I take the view, and always have that if you cannot say what you are going to say in twenty minutes you ought to go away and write a book about it. Lord Brabazon passed away in 1964. He would have been appalled at 21st century browsing impatience (Nielson, 1997). Writers must cultivate the skill of attracting attention, and subsequently, of holding a readers interest for as long as possible. Blaise Pascal wrote, I have made this [letter] longer, because I have not had the time to make it shorter in the 17th century: it does not work three hundred years later! Format and choice of words often take more time than creative content and eloquent expression, when composing material for the Internet A reader has to arrive at your page, even before you can think of attracting and holding attention! Customers can ask for help and information at a real bookstore, but the Internet asks them to type in a query about what they would like to browse. A writer has to know which expressions audiences use. This varies not just by subject, but by country as well (Google Adwords, 2005). There are words that people tend to spell differently in various parts of the world, and there can be variations of expression even within the borders of a single country. Writers need poetic licenses, to marry the rigors of grammar and dictionaries with colloquial habits of browsers. How can the quandary of such contradictory pressures be resolved? Freedom The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think. Edwin Schlossbergs epochal words ring true to this day. Marketing professionals speak of segmentation, customer relationships, and services marketing (Wedel and Wagner 145). Conventional writers for the print media may also have some ideas of their future audiences, but Internet writing requires comprehensive and sustained browser focus. Internet writers may have to put their own perceptions aside, as they strive to meet targeted customer requirements. Internet writing is a service in marketing jargon. Most successful writers in this digital medium select niches in which they specialize over time. The United States is a clear leader in terms of geographical segments. It has the most computers, and people use the Internet for more reasons than anywhere else does. Travel, healthcare, and small business management are three of the largest segments for Internet writing in the United States. People have moved away from travel agents, and make airline and hotel reservations on-line. Travel writing is not just a lucrative business, but a most enjoyable way of earning a living as well! Famous names from the print world such as Frommers join hotel chains, restaurants, bars and other service providers, in sponsoring and buying interesting articles about popular destinations. Healthcare and small business management need specialized expertise, apart from writing skills. Writers can team up with specialists including doctors and software engineers, to provide content for relevant web sites. Consumer magazines on the Internet are major customers for technical content related to medical conditions. Individual browsers, especially those who have family-owned enterprises, and those who work from home, are the ones most interested in advice related to small business development. Writers are not limited to the common markets such as travel, healthcare, and small business in the United States. Bird watching, politics, astrology, and science fiction are just a few of the diverse fields in which people can seek to meet special information needs. Googles Adsense program is egalitarian, allows everyone to publish and earn money through targeted advertisements. This channel threatens mainstream mass media as increasing numbers of brand numbers divert advertising budgets to search engines. Web logs are the most popular form of Internet publishing. Amateurs can have sites of their own, but skilled writers manage some of the most informative and popular web logs. A forum is another common form of communication between large numbers of browsers, but it does not provide adequate space for professional writers. Most posts on the average forum do not exceed 50 words. Nevertheless, they can serve as reviews and other useful forms of feedback for writers on how their work is received. A forum may also cover reviews of books from the print world. Increasing numbers of manufacturers and service providers sponsor forums that customers use to describe their experiences with brands. Lead articles by accomplished writers often initiate animated discussions between customers. The electronic book format suits writers best. It suits fiction as well as guides and texts on any subject. Writers can provide free samples of their work, and use software to release the entire material against payment. An interesting variant of the electronic book format relates to on-demand publishing. Traditional print publishers will produce just a few or even one copy of selected work on demand, and physically ship a hard copy through a courier. However, writers can hope to earn only small royalties through such sales. Most newspapers and magazines now have electronic editions. The unique skills of Internet writing imply that these publications need new and additional personnel to contribute appropriately formatted articles to build on-line audiences. Companies also use writers to enhance the tangible aspects of their products with service by way of information on use, benefits, and experiences. Pharmaceutical companies sponsor writing on cancer, asthma, obesity and other common conditions, in order to strengthen their strategic and most profitable brands. The oceanic size of and varied opportunities of the Internet writing world does not dilute the imperative to compete through high quality standards. Pay for writing can vary as much as and in proportion to readership. Which specific steps can writers take to improve their chances of success when writing for the Internet? Automation traps Arthur C. Clarke was an astrophysicist who wrote science fiction. His fanciful saying Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic comes true on the Internet. Software checks spelling and grammar. You can even have entire pages translated through software programs. None of these advances substitutes human intelligence. Hence, disciplines such as careful proofreading continue to be important. There can be no denying that electronics takes writing abilities to new levels. Some of these advantages, such as word processing, are available for conventional media as well. However, the advantages of individuals being able to publish their thoughts immediately, and to receive continuous feedback, sets writing for the Internet apart. Web analytics allow writers to know how many people have visited their pages, how long they spent there, and in which part of the world they live. This highlights the customer service of Internet writing, though people of artistic isolation are free to write and to publish without regard to how many people visit their sites. Search engine rankings are accurate measures of the popularity of writing, though it can be frustrating for a writer to find his or her work at or near the bottom of the pile. Each search engine has its own algorithm to rank web pages, and some writers try to manipulate the software programs. Such spamming is short-lived, as search engines revise their ranking criteria frequently, and penalize writers who try to manipulate the system. There are many paying offers on the Internet for writers to produce work with artificial repetitions of words and phrases that browsers are known to use. However, this kind of work is generally not sustainable. It is better for writers to produce content with high information and entertainment values, presented in attractive manner. Handsome rewards await writers who are able to learn the skills of writing for the Internet. Plagiarism plague The transition of the 19th century in to the one that followed was a laid-back time for writers. Screenwriters were especially privileged, free of any serious weight of convention or law. Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research. Wilson Mizner was able to get away with his memorable and telling statement, but woe betide the 21st century writer who entertains such thoughts! Plagiarism is a whirlpool that can swallow an innocent writer without trace! There is software to check if a string of even a few sentences has been published on the Internet. Publishers and site owners will not show any mercy to a writer who may inadvertently write even a short piece very similar to previously published work. Yet most countries do not consider copyright violations to be criminal offences. Some even ignore such nefarious activity. The Internet enables people to write in disguise. It can be next to impossible to take action if you discover that your work has been copied. Many sites do not follow MLA, APA, or Chicago styles, and hence there is a plethora of work without proper citations and credits. The good news relates to links. Writers and sites follow a convention of using software to link their work to that of others. Regulatory and international bodies have an advantage in this respect, as they attract large numbers of inward links to their sites. Most consumer healthcare sites for example, will inevitably link to sites of the Surgeon General of the United States, the World Health Organization, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Individual writers can select niche topics and write on all aspects of such matters. Inward links to their work builds up over time. Limits Liberty has restraints but no frontiers. Lloyd Georges timeless statement applies in full measure to the Internet. The medium welcomes almost everyone and all points of view. It defends individual privacy to a fault. People can participate in transactions with as many avatars as they like. Singapore and China try to control access, but largely, the Internet makes nonsense of domestic laws. There is software to prevent children from visiting adult sites, but child pornography has not been eliminated from the Internet. This applies to terrorism and all other kinds of anti-social and uncivilized behavior. Writers cannot control who may access their writing and pages, but have to be circumspect about continuing communication with unknown or suspicious entities. Extreme views, advocating violence, foul language, and disturbing images are common warning signs to exclude inputs from potentially troublesome sources. Writers may revel in the global reach that the Internet provides for their work, but they should never lose sight of the cross-cultural impact of their expression. Oriental, other ethnic and conservative groups tend to respond very differently from liberal peers from the West. There are important exceptions to this sweeping generalization as well. Some writers choose to limit access to their pages, but this is a disappointing choice for a medium for which reach is a primary rationale. Hardware tips No tyranny is as irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets. Edward Abbeys pithy remark will strike chords in the hearts and minds of most writers! Most of us choose between concrete and abstract intelligence. We are either creative or mechanically minded, though nature gives us the possibility to excel at both kinds of human faculties. The Internet and computers have mounds of exclusive jargon. Typewriter and fountain pen relics may baulk at the prospects of having to enter the digital world. Engineers and the young take vicarious pleasure in greeting pleas from the geriatric for help, with supercilious disdain and long sentences in English of very recent, even uncertain origin! However, bare survival in the digital world can be easy for those who are wise enough to stick to basics. A computer with a 40 GB Hard Drive, a 512 KBPS in-built modem, with a 2 MHz processor, and a broadband or cable or Bluetooth Internet connection should suffice at least until the end of 2006. You should be rich enough by then to hire a nerd to steer further course through the never-ending maze of technological progress. All writers should look forward to flexible ink, which has just begun to enter the market. This innovation will enable displays on traditional surfaces, rather than the flat and fixed plasma screens with which we are stuck today. Flexible ink works almost like paper, and could well signal the end of print media, as we have known it until now. It will certainly invite an explosion for the demand for Internet writing of all genres. Hanging out Althea Gibson is a tennis player, yet one of her sayings is most relevant for new writers daunted by the prospects and problems of the Internet: I always wanted to be somebody. If I made it, it's half because I was game enough to take a lot of punishment along the way and half because there were a lot of people who cared enough to help me. The travails of Internet writing and its enormous rewards as well, are relatively easy to learn, by hanging out at sites of some of the most successful people of the medium (Allen, 2005). There are a number of sites where one can share experiences with other struggling writers, study success stories, and get leads by which one can make a start. Sites run by and for writers offer courses, aids and information of assignments and contests. Most people can quickly come up to speed and participate in Internet writing transactions within weeks of visiting sites of writers. Most of them also offer critiques of writing that can be invaluable if a writer is able to take the feedback in a positive sense. Conclusions Editors and publishers, who are in charge in the print world, cannot prevent us from publishing on the Internet. Some may think it is futile to write without intellectual capital, but no one can dispute that writing on the Internet needs no significant financial assets. Entry barriers are virtually absent, and there are no limits of time and space. Digital aids can help us express ourselves, and correct some petty mistakes to boot. We need never lose valuable thoughts, for storage is well above all that mortals can ever produce. Browsing habits call for differences in approach and style as compared to traditional media, but even a casual attempt can suffice to learn the basics of such differences. The transition from print to Internet is a short commute with a host of convenient connections. The channel of getting people to read what we write remains. The competition is actually fiercer in the chaotic situation world of the Internet, than it has ever been with books, newspapers and the like. Every computer screen can access all the material that kiosks, bookstores, and libraries have between them. A few may publish on the Internet without a care for the fate of their labors. Most of us however, still need the skills and the fortune of celebrated writers through time. The core value of written communication remains unchanged. It is symbolic that Professor Irwin Cory, who penned the following words, was a vaudeville comedian in the dawn of Cinema and Television: If we don't change direction soon, we'll end up where we're going. Works Cited Allen, M. Getting Started Writers World, 2005, Nielson J. How Users Read on the Web Alertbox, October 1997, retrieved December 2005:> Wedel, M. and Wagner Kamakura, Market Segmentation, Springer 1999, Blogger, Google, 2005, retrieved December 2005:> Google Adwords Keyword Tool, Google, 2005.